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Vibration: Media Images and Video in the Classroom Teaching

Vibration is the initial matter we must learn to master the waves. Because basically creeping wave is a vibration. Vibration can we observe the following items:

Figure Bedug at mosque

Figure swing pendulum

Figure Swing Pendulum (. gif)

Figure Swing Pendulum (vector).

Hammock Picture

Classical Wall Clock picture

Image of Guitar Strings

One of the creatures in nature that have a special ability is a hummingbird in flight. This bird is also known as a master aviator. The wings of a hummingbird is able to vibrate Shebaniah 12 to 90 fluttering fluttering in 1 seconds (source: wikipedia). Great is not it? Man until this moment has not been able to make robots as small as a hummingbird that can flap its wings much.
For more details you can see the collection of images of a hummingbird that I got from various sources, and a video of a hummingbird trying to suck honey from flowers that can be recorded with good by the high-speed camera (youtube).

Picture Birds hummingbirds

Video Vibrations on hummingbird wings

Figure Springs given load (. gif)

Figure Shockbeaker

Figure Shockbeaker (from inside)

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