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Pendulum Motion

Screenshot Pendulum Motion.swf

Description: To study the characteristics of the pendulum motion you must have this file. In this file there are 4 variables you can change that (a) the acceleration of gravity (m/s2), (b) the length of the string pendulum (m), the pendulum mass (kg), and the pendulum deflection angle (degree) so that there are 3 data you can get an interactive namely (a) Graph showing the relationship angle (degree) vs. Time (s), (b) Graph showing the relationship Speed (degree / s) vs. Time (s), and (b) Graph showing the relationship Acceleration (degree/s2) vs. Time (s).

Specifications file:
Title: Pendulum Motion
File Format: Shockwave Flash Object
Size: 133 KB (136,487 bytes)
Run with the program: Macromedia Flash Player 7.0 R14
Price: Rp. - (Free)
Stored in: Ziddu - Upload, Share, Earn -
Address file: http://www.ziddu.com/download/13670928/PendulumMotion.swf.html

Unduh file Pendulum Motion.swf

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